Who is Emma?

me hong kong

…and what is wombling?

Wombles are small and inventive fictional creatures, who live on Wimbledon Common.

(This one is wombling free) 

Wombling is just how we little creatures from Wimbledon get around; to ‘womble’ is to wander about in a relaxed manner.

Originally from London, I study Politics and International Studies at the University of Warwick. I began this blog when I found out I would be spending my year abroad at the University of Hong Kong.  It was one of the best experiences of my life to date. My aim was to explore as much of Asia as my student loan would stretch to, and I think I did a pretty successful job of it – though there is so much more I wish to see.

I returned to the UK to finish my degree, but my next adventure will take me to the Netherlands; where I will be doing a Masters program, in ‘Politics, Society and Economy of Asia’, at Leiden University.

My interests include: cooking, cycling, pole fitness, art, history, international relations and travel. I am also attempting to learn Mandarin, with (very) gradual success.

My travel bucket list just keeps on growing, and my travel guides are the most well read and worn out books I own.

I wish to see, try, learn, and eat, as many new things as I can.

Here I intend to share with you my discoveries, adventures and mishaps – the latter of which I can only hope won’t be too numerous (although they do make good stories).


  1. I am so glad I have stumbled across your blog! I will be moving to Hong Kong in August (for work though, not uni) for a year and your blog is perfect for finding out where to go and visit whilst out there. I definitely want to try the tea at that Shortbread Teas place!

    • Thank you. I hope you love your time here as much as I have!

      I’m currently working on a what to do on a budget post, so hopefully that can give you some more ideas too.

      • That would be great as I will be on a budget until I start getting paid! I look forward to reading it!

  2. Thanks for the follow Emma! Enjoyed reading your post on returning to “normal” life. Good luck with your finals and your new venture to Netherlands!


      • I’m glad you enjoyed my post – that was probably the most personal thing I’ve written here. Your blog had me with travel and food. It’s got some great photos on it.

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